Friday, November 11, 2011

Girls Trip!

Even Truffle Pigs need to take a break once in awhile and get some inspiration. We are hoping to get together in the next month or so and visit this delicious exhibit "With Cunning Needle" at the Winterthur Museum. The touchstone of the exhibit features the Plimouth Jacket, pictured above. Recreated at Plimouth Plantation in 2006 it sheds new light on the tools and skills of 17th century embroidery masters.

Box with embroidery pattern stamps

The exhibit also focuses on the tools, techniques, and the story behind a completed piece--something I have always been fascinated by and a direction I wish more museums would take. I always think to myself, "How did they do that?"

Silk floss

Incomplete crewelwork chair cover

I am hoping there will be lots of Berlin Work (wool work) like that pictured above--it is my favorite kind of needlework.

The exhibit runs from September 8, 2011 to January 8, 2012.
You can make a whole day of it by also visiting the Brandywine Musuem,
Longwood Gardens and of course lots of antiquing and fabulous places to eat--this place is my favorite!

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